Progress on Charter Schools
Oppose efforts to
turn back the clock on this important reform;
Empower public universities to sponsor charters: and
Recognize charters under the Lake View case in terms of equitable funding
for facilities;
Provide greater autonomy to charters in granting waivers.
Progress Toward
Categorical expenses for athletics should be reported. Expenses in all
categories should also be presented using bar graphs, pie charts and other
formats that are easily understood by citizens.
Letter Grades for K-12 Districts
Academic ratings and triggers for acclaim or sanctions should be issued
for each K-12 public school district using a letter grade system (A, B,
C, D, F).
Administrative Restructuring
Arkansas' 245 school districts should be organized into not more than
134 "administrative units" defined as "one superintendent
and an associated superintendent's staff." Restructuring should commence
in Arkansas districts that record failing (D or F) grades for two consecutive
Performance Pay in Failing Districts
Performance pay measures should be used in Arkansas districts that earn
failing (F) grades. Non-government enterprises willing to fund performance
pay plans in failing school districts should be encouraged to do so.
Merge All Existing Co-ops
All existing educational co-ops should be merged into a single professional
K-12 educational services center under the aegis of the Director, Department
of Education. The center shall be known as the Arkansas Educational Resources
and Services Center (AESC).