Gov. Mike Beebe's proposed grocery tax cut would benefit more middle class
Arkansans than a competing state earned income tax credit proposal.
(January 2007) Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe has proposed a phase out of the
state sales tax on groceries, starting with a 50 percent reduction from
six to three cents in 2007. His idea has been criticized for not providing
enough tax relief for low-income Arkansans by some policymakers who prefer
a state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). U.S. Census Bureau data suggest
Gov. Beebe's proposal-not a state EITC-would benefit a larger group: more
than 500,000 middle class households in Arkansas.
A State EITC Would Not Benefit Arkansas' Middle Class
The federal EITC was enacted in 1975, and reduces the individual income
tax's burden for those in lower income deciles. The EITC is a refundable
tax credit for low-income U.S. families, and is described by the Internal
Revenue Service as follows:
"The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) sometimes called the Earned
Income Credit (EIC), is a refundable federal income tax credit for low-income
working individuals and families. Congress originally approved the tax
credit legislation in 1975 in part to offset the burden of social security
taxes and to provide an incentive to work. When the EITC exceeds the amount
of taxes owed, it results in a tax refund to those who claim and qualify
for the credit."
IRS data show more than three-fourths of EITC filings were from households
that earn less than $25,000 annually. Census data show this group represented
more than one-third of Arkansas' 1,087,542 total households in 2005. T
Census data show the following number of low-income households: 130,025
(less than $10,000); 93,518 ($10,000-$14,999) and 168,254 ($15,000-$24,999).
There were 391,797 total low-income households
Households in these deciles with one of more qualifying children would
likely qualify for any state EITC modeled on the federal program, which
sets EITC thresholds (2006) in the $32,001-$38,348 range. But households
without children have lower thresholds, in the $12,120-$14,120 range.
IRS data show more than 275,000 EITC filings in Arkansas in recent years.
Grocery Tax Phase-out Would Benefit Arkansas' Middle Class
Gov. Beebe's proposal would provide significant tax relief to middle class
households, a larger group that represents nearly half of total Arkansas
households. Census data show the following number of middle class households:
151,984 ($25,000-$34,999); 173,199 ($35,000-$49,999); and 186,248 ($50,000-$74,999).
There were 511,431 total middle class households.
A state EITC would not benefit most households earning more than $25,000.
The federal program reaches a benefit plateau (2006) for most households
around this level, and in the $32,001-$38,348 range for a much smaller
Gov. Beebe's proposal is superior because it would provide tax relief
for middle class, and low-income households. A family of four that spends
an average $150 per week on groceries would save an estimated $234 annually
from a 50 percent reduction in the tax.
Gov. Mike Beebe's proposed grocery tax cut would benefit more middle class
Arkansans than a competing state earned income tax credit favored by some